General Application Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • I confirm that I wish to apply for membership of The Rag – Army and Navy Club. Should I be accepted for membership, I accept that a contract exists between the Club and myself. Accordingly, I agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Club and accept to inform the Club if I have ever been court-martialled, required to resign my Commission, been convicted of a criminal offence (other than minor motoring offences), or been subject to any of the following financial irregularities – Bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), Court Judgment (CCJ), or company dissolution subject to continuing administration and investigation – which may result in my application being cancelled in accordance with Club Rules.
  • By entering into the contract with us you agree to receiving communication regarding your accounts, subscriptions and participating activities. You may receive service messages. Your data may be shared with third parties agreed for data processing such as the collection of subscription fees. Please refer to our privacy policy for more details.


If you already have friends or contacts who are Members of the Club who can act as your Proposer and Seconder, please share the below links with them so that they can fill in the relevant statement forms to support your application. 

Those without known Proposers and Seconders can provide references from two persons of appropriate standing: Commissioned Officers of rank Lt Cdr/Major/Sqn Ldr or above; those filling public office in the Lieutenancy, Judiciary, Magistracy, Parliament or Devolved Administrations; Civil Servants and public employees of Grade 5/Deputy Director or above; certified members of the ‘trusted’ professions, e.g. solicitor, barrister, chartered accountant, actuary, or doctor; peers and baronets; and senior executives of public limited companies. The Club reserves the right to follow up all such references. Please find the link to the reference form below. 

Proposer Statement Form

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Seconder Statement Form

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Reference Form

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