Rag Sailing – Inaugural Cruise



Following on from an exploratory get-together at The Rag in June, three members gathered after work, on an October Friday, aboard the Army Sailing Association’s yacht – Grebe.

Based at Fort Blockhouse in Gosport Grebe’s well placed for cruising The Solent and is a well-found, comfortable yacht equipped with all the latest navigational aids and with six berths. As to be expected, once past the autumn equinox, the weather forecast was mixed but also optimistic for at least one good day’s sailing.

Saturday morning saw us slip lines, to head to the Hamble for lunch, then onto Cowes and dinner at the Royal Ocean Racing Club. That night a major thunderstorm swept up The Solent and with the Inshore Waters Forecast for Sunday predicting Force 8 to 9 it was decided that a prompt start and early return was the most sensible option. Save to say there were very few yachts on the water we were safely berthed by noon.

A modest trip and enjoyed by all.

To the future – it was felt by all involved it had been a worthwhile weekend, that had worked well and that we should crack on with developing a Sailing Group at the Rag.

A Cruising Programme found favour, likewise, some involvement in Inshore or Offshore Racing – the Newman Inter-Clubs Trophy and the Round the Island Race sprang to mind – as well as some form of ‘clearing shop’ to put Rag skippers needing crew in touch with Rag members looking to crew, but who need a berth. A social programme at the club is also under consideration and plans are in development for an evening lecture and drinks once we’re into the New Year.

We will also look to hold a Special General Meeting to sort out some structure for a sustainable group once Christmas is out of the way.

An ongoing relationship with the Army Sailing Association has great potential to access a boat. That said, there are other possibilities, both through service links, club connections, and of course private owners.

If you’d like to be kept up to date on progress and sailing next year, please email [email protected]