Literary Lunch with Hugh Sebag-Montefiore

Tuesday 5th November at 12.30 | Library | £65.00*
*Includes one glass Wine on arrival, two course Lunch with Coffee, and two glasses wine with the meal

The artic convoys of the Second World War featured many heroes, from the Royal Navy’s officers and armed guards, to ordinary civilian seamen. “The Battle of the Arctic” is an account by Hugh Sebag-Montefiore of how ally deliver-channels from the UK, America, and Iceland to Russia essential to the defeat of Hitler were kept open in the most challenging of circumstances against the constant threat of being sunk in the iciest of waters.


Hugh Sebag-Montefiore is an acclaimed military historian and author, excelling after a successful career at the bar. Drawing on the forensic skills that were central to his early stint as a barrister, and the service in his family, which includes descendants at Dunkirk and on the Western Front, he has produced a book that illuminates a critical part of the war effort. Join him for lunch during which he will share in conversation his thoughts on the Arctic front,  and how he has approached the challenge of military history.

A lunch to acknowledge a key part of World War Two that does not always feature in debate about what was central to the allies’ victory.